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still Jorginho

28-03-2024 23:21

Angelo Ferrante

calcio, lazio, calciomercato, il redazionale,

still Jorginho

Lazio back on Jorginho. The idea would be to play him with Luis Alberto in a likely 3-4-2-1 formation. Tudor endorsed the idea. Now it's up to the club.

The Lazio back on Jorginho. The idea would be to have him play with Luis Alberto in a probable 3-4-2-1 formation.


Tudor endorsed the idea. Now it's up to the club and President Lotito, if they want, to spend more to strengthen the team and less on land for academies that have already been discussed in the past and never materialized.


Although not quite young anymore, the Italian naturalized Brazilian and a regular midfielder for the Azzurri National Team, with his experience could fill that missing midfield gap.


What does the President want?